Application of dental implants in the contemporary dentistry
- The patient must have taken a personal decision for the implantation.
- Some clinical examinations are needed - laboratorial, radiographic, computer tomography, etc.
- Placing the implants most often in the bone of the upper or the lower jaw according to an appropriate method.
- Stiffening period - it does not concern all types of implants.
- Shaping a mucous muff round the cervix of the implant / the superstructure.
- Restoring the dental occlusion (bridges, crowns, dentures) and full loading of the implants.
Which implant system to use?
Maximum stability even in compromised bone situations
NobelActive's expanding tapered
implant body with double-lead thread design
condenses bone gradually.
In addition, the apex with drilling
blades enables a smaller osteotomy.
Esthetic excellence
NobelActive’s back-tapered coronal design provides optimal soft tissue support and maximum alveolar bone volume. The built-in platform shifting is designed to improve soft tissue for natural-looking esthetics.
Adjustable implant orientation
Reverse-cutting flutes with drilling blades on the apex enable experienced clinicians to adjust the implant position for optimal restorative orientation, particularly in extraction sites.
Strong sealed connection
The internal conical connection with hexagonal interlocking offers a tight seal and high mechanical strength. It provides a choice of six different abutment positions providing high restorative flexibility.
Enhanced osseointegration
NobelActive features Nobel Biocare’s unique oxidized TiUnite surface with grooves (Groovy), which increases implant stability through faster bone formation and ensures long-term success.
Developed for demanding situations
TiUnite is a unique implant surface that enhances osseointegration – even under the most challenging conditions such as soft bone and immediate loading. TiUnite is a moderately rough thickened titanium oxide layer with high crystallinity and phosphorus content. Its ceramic-like properties and micropores ensure high osteoconductivity and fast anchorage of newly formed bone.
Predictable osseointegration with minimal failure rates
The implant surface TiUnite was introduced on the Brånemark System in 2000 and on the Replace implants in 2001. This shift from machined to TiUnite surface resulted in a clear decrease of early failures, especially in areas with poor bone density such as the maxilla. TiUnite also allows for immediate loading protocols to be used more frequently with superior outcomes. Additionally, implants with the TiUnite surface increase survival rates when used in revision surgeries.
Short- and long-term success
TiUnite maintains implant stability immediately after placement with enhanced osseointegration and anchorage in surrounding bone. In the long term, it maintains marginal bone and soft tissue levels, maximizing functional endurance and esthetics.
Lifetime warranty
All Nobel Biocare implants and prefabricated non-provisional and non-temporary prosthetic components are covered by a lifetime product warranty.
CYTOPLAST®- нерезорбцируеми тъканни мембрани
BIORESORB®- бетатрикалциевофосфатна керамика като костно въстановителен материал